Bespoke Programmes





Moving Forward from Trauma 6-week programme

This 6-week programme has been specifically designed to support individuals who have experienced trauma because of Domestic Abuse. It provides the opportunity to develop a greater insight and understanding of how trauma impacts everyday lives and identifies steps that can be taken to move forward from the impact of their trauma feelings.


A group of people holding hands




 The key topics covered in this 6-week programme focus on developing insight into:

1.  ‘What is Trauma'

Understanding trauma Feelings, what they look like and why they happen.

2.  ‘Becoming more Emotionally Aware'

 Understanding Emotional Intelligence and emotional resilience.

3. ‘Feeling Safe in your body'

Beginning the process to feeling safe again – calming the nervous system.


4. ‘Building Support and Compassion'

focuses on non-victim based self-compassion, building healthy support networks and steps to learning to trust again.

5. ‘Taking Care of yourself'

Starting the process of creating meaningful and practical self-care habits.

6. ‘Rebuilding strength'

focusing on identifying existing strengths and new ways to make decisions and plan towards the life you want.



This programme does not conflict nor replace any individual need for specific therapy. This programme will encourage and support individuals to become more aware and more empowered to take further positive steps in moving forward from their trauma of Domestic Abuse.







 1. Creating a Trauma Informed Workplace.

The course explores the origins and purpose of trauma in the body, and it engages delegates in how they can identify the 5 key trauma states, with the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that may result from these states. It brings awareness that trauma feelings occur as a result of Domestic Abuse.

The course invites the delegates to put on their curious cap and consider how they can create a more Psychologically Informed Environment within their workplace.

Creating this environment means creating a culture of awareness and confidence to implement processes and approaches to effectively support those experiencing trauma from Domestic Abuse.


 2. Emotional Intelligence in the workplace.

This course explores the concept of Emotional Intelligence, its purpose is for delegates to gain a greater understanding of what it means, and why higher levels of emotional intelligence within the workplace, are crucial for supporting employees who may be experiencing trauma as result of Domestic Abuse.

This course will work with delegates to explore their own self-awareness, triggers, or reactions to identifying possible concerns of abuse or responding to disclosures of Domestic Abuse, from an employee.



 3. Wellbeing based Performance Management system.

This course focuses on developing effective wellbeing led, performance management processes. It invites delegates to explore the role of emotional intelligence, to take a deeper dive into the behaviours of their employees.

Building positive relationships where the norm is to be genuinely interested and curious, facilitates a more positive and trusting environment for any employee to disclose concerns of Domestic Abuse.

The course also supports delegates in their duty of care and effective recording of plans to support those affected by Domestic Abuse within the workplace.






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Book a course by calling directly, or fill in the course enquiry form here.

07714 901343

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